Our services

What do you need?


Are you an academic author submitting to a particular journal? Are you an author or publisher that requires copyediting of a completed book manuscript? Are you looking for structural advice? Shoichet Editorial provides thoughtful editorial review and detailed, nuanced editing for grammar, style, and structure, tailored to author and publisher needs.


Do you have an idea that you have trouble expressing in plain language or in clear academic text? Shoichet Editorial works with authors to draft text that is expressive, dynamic, and engaging so that your words reach your audience in the way you want them to.


Are you a strong writer in need of a keen-eyed proofreader? Are you submitting to a journal whose house style is unfamiliar to you? Are you on a tight timeline? If you require basic proofreading services, Shoichet Editorial can help.

German-to-English Translation

Is German your primary or secondary language? Have you written a German text that you would like translated into elegant academic or professional English? Have you written a text in English that you would like reviewed by a native-English editor or native-English translator? Shoichet Editorial provides German-to-English translation and editing of English-language texts by authors whose first language is not English.

How can we help?

We are uniquely positioned as academic and professional editors to help you produce the English text that you and your publisher want.

It doesn’t matter if English is your first language or your second — or even your third or fourth. Writing effective English for academic and professional publications is more than getting the grammar and vocabulary right. Natural English is also about feel: How should a text feel so that it reads naturally to a native-English reader or a reader with native-like fluency?

Each publishing context requires an individual approach. Some journals demand high-level academic English. Some publications prefer intellectual or field-specific concepts discussed with professional vocabulary. Other organizations want plain language that reflects current trends in accessibility, diversity, and inclusivity.

We are native-English speakers with extensive experience editing the work of academic, government, legal, and cultural writers from around the world. As university lecturers, we have taught in the areas of editing, professional communication, publishing, publishing history, and English grammar and fluency. We have a working understanding of written and spoken German and partner closely with academic and cultural professionals who write and work in that language to produce clear and elegant English prose for all types of publications.

The results

“Shoichet Editorial edited my words, not my voice. They provided detailed advice, giving me options so that I could choose what I wanted to say and how to say it.”